High levels of alcohol can sometimes mask aromas, so adding a small drop of water can actually ‘open up’ the whiskey and reveal all its complex loveliness. This can significantly enhance the depth and complexity of the whiskey experience as all those aromas and flavours are unmasked from the high levels of alcohol. However, rather than describing it as enhancing the experience through the adding of water, it could also be described as causing a different experience.
High alcohol content can significantly affect the flavour profile of a particular whiskey due to different flavour compounds changing from being soluble to insoluble at particular strengths. When a flavour compound is soluble it is in a sense ‘dissolved’ within the whiskey, and consequently not as noticeable to the palate. Conversely when a flavour compound becomes insoluble it exists independently as such within the whiskey, and subsequently appears as a flavour in the whiskey consumption experience. Higher alcoholic strength whiskeys typically deliver much richer, more concentrated flavours compared to lower strength whiskeys. Therefore by not diluting it, you maintain a higher alcoholic strength.
Ultimately your favourite flavour profile will be one of personal preference and therefore we do always recommend trying a whiskey neat to begin with. Then you will be more aware of the affect that adding water will have on how the whiskey feels on your mouth, the reduction in intensity and the movement towards a more mellow experience. If you’re a person who prefers an intense experience then adding water will impact this.
In terms of the process of adding water, it’s recommended to do so with a pipette thereby allowing you to control the water levels, enabling the re-tasting of the whiskey after adding a second, third and fourth drop of water etc.
Now that you know the pros and cons of adding water, why not take your taste buds on a journey and find that sweet spot with every whiskey so you can maximise your whiskey consumption experience.
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